Samuel H. Smith

I used to be an active amateur radio operator. My call sign is WD6AAN. I was active in CW and RTTY on the HF bands.
I passed the first class radiotelephone operators license exam in 1977 when I was 18.

I've been working in communications,
electronics and software since 1980.

I am currently employed by
Communication Advice and Design, Inc.

I enjoy reading
philosophy, fantasy and science fiction.

Here's my Resume.

I am the author of the HS/Link
file transfer protocol

As many of you know, last year my offices were burglarized and my main software development system stolen, complete with latest backup tapes.

As a result, I have no source code at all for the windows dlp version of hs/link, and only a 2/94 edition of the dos version. This loss really took all the steam out of my development plans for this project. Please don't send registrations for hs/link- I'm no longer picking up mail at my Panorama City PO box.  Consider this program "free" and unsupported.

To "register" the DOS version of HS/Link, type:
    hslink register 999 x8ib2p

Use this information to register the Windows DL version:
    Registration number: 999
    Activation code: a00xi8b2p

I am posting what source code I could dig up, in the hopes that others may eventually benefit from my past work, and to keep the protocol alive, at least in some changed form.

The source code is contained in the file 121B7SC.ZIP.
You can get it from from my FTP directory

I operate a bulletin board system, The Tool Shop.
The Tool Shop BBS has been in continuous operation since 4/1/87.
The telephone number is (213) 389-5300.